June 16 – Back to feeling human

We are definitely full speed into summer around my neck of the woods. The days have become long and warm. The evenings remain cool, which is nice. The upstairs part of my home tends to warm up in the heat of the day, then takes a few hours to release that heat into the cool of the evening. Our windows stay open, welcoming that release.

Since being sick last week, this is the first week I’ve felt human again. I took a quick trip down to Little Ethiopia in Los Angeles to meet my friend, Charles. We’d intended to try a bunch of food and visit the vintage shops along Fairfax. As ever, my timing was off and the shops all seemed to be closed. We did hop into a restaurant called Rosalind’s and ordered a dish called Vegan Glory, which we promptly devoured. Very tasty.

I was also happy to do some thrift shopping this week. Thrifting is my only hobby I haven’t tried to make into a career. And I’m quite aware just how much the thrift/vintage world has changed even in the last few years. What used to be a fairly cheap hobby has been turned into a so-called treasure hunt by online resellers. Grandpa’s 501s and Grandma’s depression glass are increasingly harder to find. These used to be the cheap collectables. Now they’re hot items on reselling sites. I didn’t find any of my usual treasures. I did pick up a few books. Being a gay uncle to seven-year-olds, I pick up books that are slightly above their reading level so that we always have reading as an activity when they’re over for a visit.

Friday evening was a trip to the Ahmanson Theatre at the Music Center in LA, to see A Strange Loop. I saw this musical on Broadway a couple of years ago, and I was interested to see how I’d react to it this time around. My brother, who was with me this time, didn’t particularly enjoy it. I’ve heard mixed reactions from friends as well. Personally, I find it reductive to leave an experience and simply stamp it as “I liked it” or “I didn’t like it.” I’ve studied theatre my entire life (I even have a degree in it) and I have to be okay with allowing a piece to make me think. Just because I’m not humming the lyrics on my way out, doesn’t mean the show is a failure. In this case of A Strange Loop, I really like the music and the ensemble cast. Parts of the show I find challenging probably in the fact that they weren’t particularly meant for me to consumed easily. Theatre is meant to make you think.

I ended the week with family over to enjoy the lengthening evenings. I grilled a bunch of vegetables that had been sitting in the fridge, and even experimented grilling tofu on a cedar plank. We poured rose and sat outside. The world is chaotic right now, but I’ll take good days with my family while I have them. Nothing but gratitude.

Published by Matt Lara

Matt Lara is a photographer, performer, educator, and vegan home cook currently based in Los Angeles, CA.