May into June

Funny thing about this blog that basically no one reads is that I feel free to update this corner of the internet with whatever I want, while also feeling like I have no obligation to actually keep the updates coming. I’ve been on-again-off-again with this blog/webpage for nearly 25 years now. This year, however, I decided to keep the posts coming, mostly as a log for myself and to be of use for any future developments that may arise.

As it happens, the last month since I posted has been a marathon of work, busy-ness, and rest, followed by a week of being completely on my ass due to a nasty cold. I rarely get sick, and certainly a cold wouldn’t been manageable while still leaving me able to work. This was a lovely combination of cold and flu symptoms. I’m not quite sure what I had contracted, but I had to proactively make myself stop and focus on recovery. Powering through such things can actually put you at risk for even worse health moving forward.

Finishing up the month of May meant finishing up my run as official photographer for the LA County Fair. This is definitely one of my defining gigs of the year. A treat and a challenge. I loved the Fair this year, and everyone I knew who came down to experience it talked about how impressed they were. I actually miss the fun once it’s over.

Post-Fair, I drove to the desert house for Memorial Day weekend to cook vegan food for our annual neighborhood barbecue there. This was much anticipated for me, and I had practiced making my whole roasted cauliflower on the smoker many times. On the big bbq day, I was met with quite a few curious glances as I loaded in and prepped the cauliflower. The gentlemen grilling meat right next to me snuck over for a taste. Apparently it was a hit, with almost none left once the line had come through. I was happy about that.

Coming back from the desert meant running headlong into June, Pride month, and the start of summer activities. I spent the day at WeHo Pride doing my own street photography, which as a nice change from my constant work photography mindset. I’d like to share a few of those shots in a separate post. A few days after Pride, began to feel sick and that’s when I signed off. I’m feeling much better now, and back to my grind.

One thing I’ve learned over the past many years is knowing when to stop. I don’t often like doing it, but I’d rather do it voluntarily rather than have the universe force me to.

May 12 – Mostly the Fair

Me and my Dole whip.

I’ve been pretty much consumed with The LA County Fair, basically my biggest client of the year, especially in terms of scale. After photographing the first two full days of the Fair, I was reminded once again just how exhausting it is. And the number of photos I have to process from each day at work is daunting. Thankfully, I’m pretty adept at editing and processing large batches of shots.

It’s not all work. I decided to also attend the Fair as a guest with some friends and family. I couldn’t resist a Dole Whip.

It took me several days to recover from these shoot days. Having worked events for several years now, I basically can keep going and going. I have to make myself stop. I did manage to get out and do my favorite hobby of visiting thrift stores in my area. That’s just about as exciting as my week got. The way things are going, it’ll be a few more weeks or months before I’m able to show some of the work I’ve done for the Fair.

May 5 – Quick desert escape before the Fair

Took the opportunity to escape to the desert house out on the Colorado River for a few days. It’s already hot enough in Parker, Arizona, to feel like summer. I wanted to relax a bit before the actual summer activities of the area begin–mainly boating, beaching, and day-drinking in the scorching hot sun. The area becomes a family vacationers and swimsuit-clad party animals looking to get tanked. I like to escape to the quiet.

We’ve been a part of this little desert community now since the early 1990s, when my grandparents bought what eventually would become their post-retirement home. When I was a kid, it felt like we were being dragged out there. The weather on the weekends we’d go out there would be unbelievably hot and my grandparents wouldn’t allow me and my siblings to watch TV. We were, of course, instantly bored and saved only by the prospect of going down to the water to go swimming. As an adult, I appreciate the little family house we have here much much more. It is both a refuge and a gathering place for raucous family gatherings.

My mini-cation was short-lived, as I had to book it home to start my month-long engagement with the LA County Fair. This is my second time with the Fair, though I’ve done many events with the Pomona Fairplex since. It’s one of my favorite events of the year, and I feel privileged to be one of three photographers on staff for the month. The fairgrounds covers whopping 487 acres, making it the largest county fair in the nation. What I remember the most is feeling like this was an endless visual feast, quite literally sensory overload. I grew up going to this Fair, and somehow I still wasn’t prepared for the amount of stimulation. Thankfully, we started out with a Fair food preview day to ease into the experience.

Once the food preview was over, we headed into the first Fair weekend. What’s amazing is that this massive event is created and organized by a rather small office of staff. And of course, there’s a practical army of food and shopping vendors, sanitation staff, volunteers, security, artists, and many, many, more. I can’t show much of what I’m photographing here out of respect to my contract. After clocking in about 17,000 steps on my first day back, I am reminded that for some reason I really enjoy working these gigantic events.

April 28 – Busy season, photo credit, and LIFE

As the busier season of my year continues, I’m starting to see the longterm effects of my chosen path. How my days off are more like days “off.” Meaning, I don’t have a pressing engagements to get to, but I have just as much correspondence to take care of. Emails, invoicing, thinking about this ongoing blog that basically nobody reads… I keep writing these posts for reasons I’ve elaborated on before. The Meta-owned app has now introduced an AI search feature that I find annoying and seems to further sink the user experience of a once exciting creative community. If I want to post my photography anywhere, it’ll be over on Foto app (still in beta testing.) Keeping my own space on the internet, not dependent on algorithms has become more and more important.

Do what you love and you’ll never stop doing admin a day in your life.

I found out that my photos from an event were being used in press with the wrong photo credit. That kind of thing is so distressing, but we as photographers have almost no recourse. I reached out to the sites but there’s not much I can do about it at this point. This kind of thing can really affect my business. But, as with most things in business, I have to take most of the responsibility. It just means I’ll have to be more direct about photo credit moving forward.

I’m gearing myself up for one of my favorite clients of the year. Starting this week, I’m back with the LA County Fair as one of three official photographers. Even though I grew up going to this Fair, last year was my first as their photographer and it was all things exciting and overwhelming. The event itself is the biggest I’ve ever shot in terms of scale. It’s about the size of a small city, and it truly is an endless visual feast. Sensory overload. This year, I’m working on a more focused approach. I’ll be trying to capture more classic images, stuff you’d see emblazoned on a billboard, with a strong central focus that still captures the essence of “Fair.”

For research, I’ve been looking through a photo book called Life 75 Years: The Very Best of LIFE. It’s a huge coffee table book I’m lucky to own. As I was flipping through, I found myself almost bowled over. No one takes photos like this anymore. And rarely do we see photos in print like this anymore. The word “iconic” is so terribly overused online, but these photos truly are iconic in that so many of them became emblematic of their time. We’ve sort of lost that in the digital world of endless scroll. Yet, I also realized that the aspect ratio of LIFE is similar to the smartphone screen, only much larger.

I might make more effort to direct traffic to this blog, seeing as I enjoy making this more of a weekly update of my goings-on now.